Hello! Hello! Today I am so excited, because I get to share with you one of my favorite things! It is green jadeite glass! I have been collecting a few pieces here and there for a little more than a decade or so. I haven't added to my collection for quite some time.
Recently, I was blessed with a kitchen remodel. One of my favorite parts of this kitchen is the little built in china hutch. It may not seem fancy, just a cupboard with a dish rack underneath. But to me it is an exciting place for me to put my pretty things!
My built in china cupboard. |
So recently, I was taking out my dishes, and trying to re-arrange and clean. I want to make the cupboard a little prettier. As I put the pieces on my dining room table, I looked and just had to take some pictures to share with my blog friends.
Before we had finished the kitchen (It still needs a few things, but mostly done),
my pretty dishes had been stored away here and there.
I hadn't seen them all out and together like this before! I actually have much more than I had realized.
These pretty green glass beauties are mostly Fire King Jade-ite. |
So arranging them for a picture was actually a bit of a challenge!
The salt and pepper shaker came from Cracker Barrel.
I found the candy dish at a second hand store.
When I first fell in love with this glass, it started with the salt and pepper shakers. They were from the front general store inside the Cracker Barrel Restaurant.
No not vintage, they are reproductions, but so lovely.
Love this batter bowl. It is Fire King Jade-ite.yr 2000 |
Okay, batter bowls are just the greatest things! I love the big pour spouts and handles. I feel like I am really so cool when I make batter in this. I love batter bowls!
These bake-ware pieces are Fire King.
Nesting mixing bowl trio, Jade-ite yr 2000. They are quite large, even the smallest!
These candle sticks came from E-bay, not sure if old or not. But they are so pretty.
The little jar is missing the lid, I purchased at an antique store.
My fraternal twins. Jade-ite and Green-glass.
Here is a shot inside my cupboard. I like the rubber mat, because I am a bit clumsy, and don't want to break anything.
The little silver strawberry candy dish was a gift from my Momma one year with her wonderful fudge!
This is the label from all of the mixing bowls and bake-ware. My husband purchased them new for me!
I tell you, some times he likes to just spoil me, but just enough that I am not rotten! What a great guy! Thanks, Honey, I love you.
I love them in the cupboard.
Those little crocheted potholders came out of a vintage bin for $1 each! I found at an antique resale booth inside out local flower shop. I had to add them to this cupboard, didn't I ?
The vintage crocheted potholders look cute with them.
I added the pretty lace edging to the shelves. |
Okay finally to the end of my photos, if you held on this long! Good for you!
I wanted the cupboard to look prettier, so I took some paper doilies and cut them up and taped them together. I folded them down and slipped under the vinyl pad, so they would dress up the shelves.
Since I am forever trying to save money, I was proud of myself. I got the package of 50 paper doilies at the dollar store!
Now I need to maybe add something to cover the back inside wall? But it is a work in progress. Just like me. I am a work in progress.
So from being stored in boxes, to being displayed in my new little corner of my kitchen. I feel very proud, indeed!
When my Momma came to visit, I had to take her straight to this and open it up for her stamp of approval.
She gave it to me with much joy and happiness!
That is what makes me happy!
Bless you all so much! Thanks for looking at my pretty glass!
Little Susie Home Maker
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