I got the most wonderful surprise! I hope you enjoy it too !
While collecting my eggs from The Little Red Barn, ( I love calling it that, he he!)
I was blessed with my first green egg!
And as any normal person would do.. I wooped and hollared and jumped up and down..
Ran into the house and showed the family with much delight!
Look, look!! Isn't it pretty!
See, I haven't had any green egg layers for years. Last fall, while I was at the local feed store, I looked in the bin that they had all lit up with heat lamps. In the straight run bin (That means unsexed girls and boys mixed)
I saw them!
Little striped backs like chip munks.
I gently picked one up in my hand and looked at it's little face! I was looking for tufted cheek feathers!
Yes, they had them! Cute little faces!
I never wanted to keep peeps through the winter,
here in Colorado,
but these are rare little birds for me in this neck of the woods!
(Unless I mail order large quantities)
So I prayed they were Araucanas, or Americaunas
which are known for their beautiful green and/or blue eggs!
I picked out 4 and then went to the Pullet (baby girls) bin, which was full of little black pullets (usually brown eggs layers) and made sure to get one baby girl.
I knew that all my straight runs could end up being boys,
and wanted to know if I took care of babies all winter, at least one would be a girl.
So the chicks have been housed in the nursery side of my coop all winter.
Where they have been kept warm and fed and away from the older flocks.
In a recent post I was pleased they started laying!
I ended up with three tufted cheek pullets, one black pullet, and one very pretty tufted cheek cockerel! I was getting a little brown egg a day! Must be the pretty black pullet!
Now don't get me wrong! I love all the eggs that all my lovely girls lay.
But if this doesn't say photo shoot, what does?
I just adore all the colors from soft pinks through the browns and white and now green!
So I hurried and didn't even iron my vintage family tablecloth,
Got out one of my favorite jade-ite glass plates,
and now you know why this is one of my most favorite colors!
I love the color of Jadeite and the color of this egg!
I also, just recently started playing with Google Picasa.
So bare with me on this. Just having fun!!
I hope you enjoy my pictures. Please share any comments you wish to leave.
I am always so amazed when I hear from one of my kind readers. You are the best!
Little Susie Home Maker